argreen Process Technologies | From Coarse Straining Down to Microfiltration, Reverse Osmosis and Ultra Filtration
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Solving Your Need for More Reliable Process Systems With Smarter Technology

Eaton’s Model 2596 Automatic Self-Cleaning Pipeline Strainers with Cenpeller™ Technology are now available in 2", 3", 4", 4"L, 6", and 8" pipeline sizes. A new size unit, the "4L", will cover applications where the combination of flow rate and open area requirements may make a standard 4" too small. These smaller size strainers incorporate all the improved design features currently available on the 10" through 48" size Model 2596 Strainers, and have a higher cleaning efficiency than the Model 596 strainers that they replace.

The Model 2596 is a motorized strainer designed for continuous, efficient removal of entrained solids from liquids in pipeline systems. Removing these solids from the system protects expensive system components from damage.

An automated control system monitors the strainer’s operation. Cleaning is accomplished by an integral backwash system. A small portion of the screen element is isolated and cleaned by reverse flow while the remaining screen area continues to strain without interrupting system flow. This efficient design uses only a small amount of the liquid being strained to carry debris away from the strainer element.

Eaton Automatic Self-Cleaning Strainers are used to strain fresh, brackish or salt intake water for plant services such as cooling, process, and fire protection. Process industries rely on them to protect heat exchangers, pumps, valves, and water spray nozzles. Power industry applications include straining pump seal water and traveling screen wash water. Sewage and water treatment plants use them to strain secondary effluent prior to discharge, and to provide clean plant service water. Steel mills use them for spray nozzle protection in rolling mills and other cooling water applications. Eaton Automatic Strainers can also be used on other liquid applications where the viscosity is "water-like", such as machine tool coolant. These are just some of the applications where an Eaton Strainer solves the need for more reliable process systems.
Automatic Self-Cleaning Strainers with Cenpeller™ Technology
Dimensional Drawing for Automatic Self-Cleaning Strainers
Unit of Measure

Item #

Strainer Model


Approximate Weight (Dry)

Approximate Weight (Wet)

Approximate Weight (Cover)

item-5703 N/A Model 2596 N/A 2 in N/A 328 lb N/A 382 lb N/A 164 lb
item-5704 N/A Model 2596 N/A 3 in N/A 344 lb N/A 399 lb N/A 164 lb
item-5705 N/A Model 2596 N/A 4 in N/A 353 lb N/A 413 lb N/A 164 lb
item-5706 N/A Model 2596 N/A 4L in N/A 805 lb N/A 998 lb N/A 438 lb
item-5707 N/A Model 2596 N/A 6 in N/A 836 lb N/A 1081 lb N/A 438 lb
item-5708 N/A Model 2596 N/A 8 in N/A 901 lb N/A 1129 lb N/A 438 lb
Unit of Measure